Body cooling system - Embr Labs

Body cooling system

Finding the right body cooling system When you suffer from excessive heat, a body cooling system can be a lifesaver.
Body cooler - Embr Labs

Body cooler

The benefits of a body cooler A personal body cooler can make a world of difference when you suffer from excessive heat.
Heat therapy - Embr Labs

Heat therapy

Feeling cold? Local heat therapy can help. Heat therapy can work wonders. As noted by the Mayo Clinic, warming one's skin, tissue, and muscle can help improve circulation, reduce pain, and promote healing of injured tissues.
Heat flashes - Embr Labs

Heat flashes

Take control of heat flashes When you're experiencing heat flashes, it's not just the symptoms that bother you, it's also the uncertainty of not knowing when the next episode will come. For professional women, heat flashes (or hot flashes) can make navigating work responsibilities incredibly stressful. After all, it's hard to focus on your job when you're sweating profusely and you feel like someone has cranked the thermostat to 100°F.
Excessive body heat - Embr Labs

Excessive body heat

Managing excessive body heat Excessive body heat can be incredibly disruptive, both at work and home. Whether it's caused by menopause heat flashes, thyroid issues, medications, or stress, body overheating can leave you drained of energy and make it hard to concentrate on anything but cooling off.
Cooling bands - Embr Labs

Cooling bands

Comparing cooling bands Cooling bands can be a lifesaver. Whether you suffer from severe hot flashes, hyperthyroidism, or you just feel constantly warm, a cooling band can deliver fast relief and keep you feeling comfortable throughout the day and night.
Controlling hot flashes - Embr Labs

Controlling hot flashes

Controlling hot flashes may be easier than you think When you experience hot flashes, it can feel like you've lost control of your body. You feel powerless to stop the uncontrollable sweating and the burning sensation on your skin. There's little you can do to prevent your face, neck, and chest from turning red. And the anxiety caused by your uneven heart rate may be doubled by the embarrassment you feel when your hot flashes occur in public or at work.
Constant hot flashes - Embr Labs

Constant hot flashes

Find relief from constant hot flashes When you suffer from constant hot flashes, it may feel like your body is betraying you. A hot flash can come on at any moment of the day, causing your face to flush, your skin to burn, and your sweat glands to kick into overdrive. Perhaps even worse is the embarrassment you feel about the lack of control over your own body—and how hot flashes can disrupt your focus and affect your performance in professional situations.
Cold flashes - Embr Labs

Cold flashes

Take control of cold flashes While hot flashes are usually the headliner when it comes to menopause symptoms, lots of women experience cold flashes as well. During a cold flash, you may find yourself suddenly chilled and shivering, as if someone cranked up the AC or threw the front door open on a subzero day. A cold flash can also happen on the heels of a hot flash as your body tries to rebalance its sense of temperature.

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